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KHADC’s Amendment Bill comes to State Government

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Shillong, Aug 6: The Khasi Hills Autonomous District (Khasi Social Custom of Lineage) (Second Amendment) Bill, 2018 passed by the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) has been referred to the Meghalaya government for its views and comments.

This Amendment Bill was referred by the Governor, Ganga Prasad after receiving the Bill which was submitted by the KHADC recently.

Members of the KHADC led by Chief Executive Member, H.S. Shylla had submitted the Bill to the Governor for his assent.

Speaking to reporters here on Monday, Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong said that the amendment bill was referred to the District Council Affairs Department of the state government, adding that the government will study the bill and submit its views or recommendations back to the Governor for his decision.

“It is upto the Governor whether to approve or send back the Bill to the KHADC after getting views from the state government,” Tynsong said.

The Amendment Bill that seeks to amend the Principal Act of the KHAD (Khasi Social Custom of Lineage) Act, 1997, proposed to strip off the Schedule Tribe status of Khasi women who marry non-Khasi men and offsprings born out of such marriage.

Both groups, pro and anti-Bill groups had met the Governor recently and expressed their views on the Bill.

While those supporting the Bill urged the Governor to give his assent, those who posse the Bill requested the Governor to examine it carefully and take appropriate decision.

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