News at Glance

Health protocols for markets and saloons/ beauty parlours

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Shillong, June 19: In view of the gradual easing of the lockdown, that was imposed to tackle the COVID -19 situation in the State, the following health protocol for markets is being issued for necessary information and compliance of all concerned:-


General protocol for all markets:
l. All market Committee should constitute “Market COVID-19 Management Committee”
to ensure strict implementation of health protocols.

2. All markets must have adequate facilities for hand washing/ hand sanitization.

3. All markets should ensure that all shops are not open together. There should be
odd – even numbered shops which would be allowed to open on alternate days.

4. The odd numbered shops would open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, while the
even numbered shops would open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

5. The shopkeepers would be responsible for maintaining physical distance between the
customers, and avoid crowding at all times.

6. People should not shake hands, come in direct contact or hug each other in greeting.

7. All customers should also wear mask all the time while purchasing thing from
the market. They should practice hand- hygiene and physical distancing.

8. All shopkeepers and vendors must wear masks properly by covering their nose, mouth
and chin parts of the face at all times.

9. The market committee must lay down fines for shop owners/ people who do not
wear masks or spit in open/ public places.

l0. Market committees must ensure that regular sanitization of the markets are carried
out before and after business hours and also frequently touched parts like door handles/
knobs are regularly cleaned.

11. There should be prominent health advisories displayed in the markets in local languages.

I2. Market committees must ensure that customers bring their own bags and avoid the use
of plastic bags as much as possible to minimise the chance of spread of the virus, as it
lasts longer on smooth and non-porous surfaces in comparison to porous surfaces like

13. There should be minimal time spent by the customers at a Shop. More exposure might
lead to cross-infections.

14. Markets must encourage cashless transactions, wherever feasible to minimise
direct contact.

I5. Garbage and waste disposal protocols as per CPCB must be ensured. There must not be
any littering in the market area.

Additional protocol for vendors in Weekly Haat/ Roadside markets:
1. The Haat/ Roadside markets should ensure that there is at least 2 metres distance
between the stalls/ vendors.

2. The customers should also maintain physical distance between themselves.

3. There should not be crowding in any shop.

4. There should be adequate hand washing facility in the market area.

5. Vendors should use masks and gloves at all times.

6. Customers should also be wearing masks all the time (even while speaking to vendors)
and avoid spitting in open/public places.

7. Vendors should be encouraged to keep prepacked portions to minimise direct contact.

8. Health advisories in local languages should be displayed prominently at entry points.

9. The people should be discouraged from sharing of cigarettes, bidis, chewing tobacco or
betelnuts and leaves.

10. The entry and exit points should be kept separate.

11. People should be encouraged to bring their own carry bags.

12. Garbage and waste disposal protocols as per CPCB must be ensured. There must not be
any littering in the market area.


General protocol for all Saloons/ Beauty parlours:

1. Persons showing symptoms like fever, cough and throat pain should not be
allowed inside.

2. All saloons/ beauty parlours must have adequate facilities for hand washing/ hand
sanitization. All customers should enter only after sanitizing their hands.

3. All saloon / beauty parlour owners/ workers would be responsible for maintaining
physical distance between the customers, and avoid crowding at all times.

4. Only basic services like hair cutting/ shaving would be allowed for now.

5. The procedure must not take more than 15-20 minutes. Longer procedures should be

6. People should not shake hands, come in direct contact or hug each other in greeting.

7. All barbers and beauticians must wear masks and gloves at all times. They must sanitize
their hands, scissors, combs, before and after the procedure is carried out. Fresh
blades and disposable gowns must be used for each customer. The cost of this protective
gear can be added in the charges levied on customers.

8. The saloons/ beauty parlours must not allow those entering without masks or sanitizing
their hands.

9. They must ensure that regular sanitization of the saloons/ beauty parlours are carried
out before and after business hours and also frequently touched parts like door handles/
knobs are regularly cleaned after every l or 2 hours.

10. There should be prominent health advisories displayed in the saloons/ beauty parlours in
local languages.

11. A token system or appointment system can be setup so that there is no crowding at the

12. Saloons/ beauty parlours must encourage cashless transactions, wherever feasible to
minimise direct contact.

13. Garbage and waste disposal protocols as per CPCB must be ensured. There must not be
any littering in their shops.

14. The people should be discouraged from sharing of cigarettes, bidis, chewing tobacco or
betel nuts and leaves.

15. The entry and exit points should be kept separate, wherever possible.

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