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Highest voter turnout witnessed in 2017 presidential election

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New Delhi,July 18: The polling for the 15th Presidential Election concluded yesterday at 5 pm for which the voting took place at the Parliament House and in the state capitals.

A total number of 714 Members of Parliament exercised their votes.

“This is possibly the highest voter turnout. 9-10 states have witnessed 100 percent voting and overall 98 percent-99 percent,” Anoop Mishra, Returning Officer of Presidential election, said.

Hundred percent polling was recorded in the voting for the presidential election in Himachal with all 67 MLAs casting their vote.

Of the total 59 members in a house of 60 in the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly, 58 exercised their franchise.

In the Rajasthan Assembly 199 legislators out of 200 exercised their franchise.

All the 81 elected MLAs of Jharkhand Assembly today cast their votes to elect the 14th president of the country.

In the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly 228 legislators cast their votes.

In Gujarat 180 out of total 182 members exercised their franchise.

All the 175 MLAs in Andhra Pradesh exercised their franchise in the Presidential election today.

While in Bihar, 241 electors exercised their vote.

The value of vote of each Member of Parliament is 708.

The value of Members of State Legislative Assemblies varies from State to State based on the population of the state and the number of the Members of Legislative Assembly.

Among State Legislative Assemblies, whereas value of each Member of Uttar Pradesh Assembly is the highest, that is 208, the lowest vote value is of a Sikkim Legislative Assembly Member, which is 7.

The ballot boxes from the states will be brought to Delhi for the final counting on July 20 and the results will be declared that day itself.(ANI)

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