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A Brief History of the Portrait of Tirot Sing Syiem

A Brief History of the Portrait of Tirot Sing Syiem
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Shillong, Feb. 23: There was a time when the authorities initiated the application for a commemorative stamp of Tirot Sing Syiem in the Postal Department of the Union Government. It may be stated without doubt that the portrait picture of Tirot Sing Syiem is definitely required and there was no source to derive any authentic picture of the freedom fighter. There were attempts to acquire a proper image of the freedom fighter and the two most preferred local artists emerged at that time, Bashai Rai Dohling and Marius Main Sing Shanpru. Bashai Rai Dohling was an animation artist of the Directorate of Film Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India at Bombay, while Mainsing Shanspru was an artist in the Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Government of Meghalaya. While both of them were preparing a portrait of Tirot Sing Syiem, I was told that Bashai Rai Dohling was engaged on a certain vital assignment at the Film Division and, under compulsion, entrusted the assignment to his junior artist at Bombay. In the absence of a proper image and the urgency of the matter, there was a deviation from the local essence of depiction, because the junior artist was from mainland India.


Fortunately, at a time I (Raphael Warjri) was engaged as an apprentice of Bah Main Sing Shanpru from the year 1980 onwards. Therefore, I had witnessed an imaginary portrait of Tirot Sing Syiem painted by my mentor, Mr Marius Main Sing Shanpru . Although I was a novice at that point in time, but little that I knew about history, I threw a piece of my mind to my mentor, saying “Tirot Sing Syiem died a young man, but the portrait seems like an old man”, I suggested that it needed to be rectified. However, due to the urgency of the matter, Bah Main Sing was compelled to submit as it was and selected for publication of the stamp, which came out into the public domain and the rest is history. I was not content and took upon myself to argue about the authenticity of Tirot Sing Syiem’s feature. It so happened that, simultaneously pursuing art, I was also an ardent amateur photographer. Hence, I learnt that photography was invented in the year 1839 and that it was also nascent in Europe, but Tirot Sing died in the year 1835. Furthermore, photography was introduced in India in 1855, while Khasi territory was situated in the remotest part of the country without an iota of any exposure to the new vista.


Further, it was also assumed that the British authorities would not have bothered with assigning any pictorial sketch or illustration of Tirot Sing Syiem, a Khasi chieftain, who was a subjugated political prisoner till his demise on 17th July, 1835. In the quest for an authentic picture of Tirot Sing Syiem, I was driven towards the media during the 1990s and met renowned personalities: Skendrowell Syiemlieh, a folk music legend, and Kitdor Syiem, a prominent politician and Minister. In the course of my discussion with Skendrowell Syiemlieh, he introduced me to the reigning Syiem Phrestar Syiemlieh, who still is the Syiem of Hima Nongkhlaw at present. We have made a proposal to make a historical documentary film on the Khasi freedom struggle against British colonial rule, where Tirot Sing Syiem was a pivotal figure. However, it didn’t work in spite of commitment from Dorbar Hima Nongkhlaw and Kitdor Syiem. Meanwhile, Dr David R Syiemlieh discovered the actual date of the demise of Tirot Sing Syiem in 1988 and, subsequently, pursued him regarding the actual facial features of Tirot Sing Syiem, but to no avail that even the record on the disposal of his mortal remains was not available till today.


Thereafter, we had a discussion with one of the nobles of Hima Nongkhlaw, Boldness Lyngdoh Nongum, a former minister and educationist. The memorial heritage monument was proposed at Mairang with a detailed artistic plan and estimated expenditure to be presented to the Dorbar Hima Nongkhlaw. In this regard, we have conducted a site inspection and the architectural and aesthetic presentation to the Syiem and the Dorbar Hima. Everything was going well until it was intervened by a local influential person with an ulterior motive. Unfortunately, the project was instead awarded to a contractor who devastated the entire project and made a frivolous structural construction incorporated with a ready-made and improper statue of Tirot Sing Syiem at Mairang.


After the completion of the commemorative arch gate and relief sculpture mural at State Central Library commissioned by the Government of Meghalaya, Mr F R Kharkongor, Commissioner and Secretary, Arts and Culture, sought a proposal for the sculpture project of the three freedom fighters of the State as desired by the then Minister, Mr Sanbor Shullai. The same was presented, approved and executed with meticulous research and artistic representation of the freedom fighters. Although, there were time constraints to comply with the ongoing celebration of Azaadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav, the larger than-life statues were completed as desired by the authorities.


It is pertinent to elaborate on the method of research and actual execution of the sculptural project of the freedom fighters of the State. With regards to Tirot Sing Syiem, as mentioned, there were earlier inputs from Bah Skendrowell Syiemlieh, Kitdor Syiem and the present Syiem Phrestar Syiemlieh, including further findings from the family lineage of Raja Kine Sing Syiem and Kedro Manik Syiem. Therefore, a fictional image was innovated from the features of the royal clan justified by biological, and genetic hereditary for the closest identity. Moreover, the careful attention to the royal attire of a chief and warrior, including the physical structure, was properly investigated and depicted in the sculpture. Some of the significant features are a decorative turban or ‘Spong Khor’ in Khasi, intricate designs on the upper garment or Jymphong Syiem and on the lower wrap-over garment or ‘Boh Khaila’, an ornamental coral and golden pendant, or ‘Paila Ksiar’ worn across the shoulder to the waist and not like a necklace, a wrist band as protective gear for archers, a sword, shield, bow, quiver with arrows in the Khasi traditional design and more importantly bare hand and bare footed.


An artistic portraiture of the Khasi essence of freedom struggle is presented as a warrior in action for the defense of the citizens and the homeland. The eyes are focused on the target and the body language is well-composed, gentle with confidence and stability, including a firm grip of the sword and the shield. This is contrary to the conventional depiction of the offensive and aggressive posture of a tribal militant fighting with wrath and vengeance or the posed and stiff image of a conceited monarch and soldier. In a similar manner, the process was also conducted for Kiang Nangbah and it was discovered that the descendants of Kiang Nangbah wandered and fled away from Jowai under the intimidation of the British colonial rulers. There was no trace of the Nangbah clan at the ancestral home of Kiang Nangbah at Wah Nangbah, Tpeppale since then and, ultimately, there were oral narratives about the Nangbah families from Jaraiñ and Lamin villages. In pursuance of the matter, there was hardly any knowledge at Jaraiñ, except for the family members of a prominent citizen of Shillong, Barnabas Nangbah, who hailed from Lamin village. Hence, a feature study was conducted on the family members of Barnabas Nangbah and the portrait of Kiang Nangbah was constructed and the sculpture was carved, while the rest of the attire was investigated and incorporated accordingly. As regards Pa Togan Nengminza Sangma, there is hardly any knowledge, except for a few inputs from a young artist, Arak Sangma and Ms. Sahana Marak, a Garo cultural exponent and former senior officer of the Arts and Culture Department. One relevant insight into the portraiture of the physical structure of the local freedom fighters is to avoid any exaggerated depiction of the six-packed muscles of modern bodybuilders. Therefore, the physical structure of local freedom fighters is constructed in the manner of an actual encounter with nature in the ambiance of domestic activities, agricultural and jungle experience of the related period.


Regarding the statue of Tirot Sing Syiem, the past inputs were taken into consideration, and consultation is still carried on with every resourceful person, particularly an academic authority on Tirot Sing Syiem, Dr David R Syiemlieh, and care has been taken to maintain the same feature in all the statues that have been sculpted at State Central Library, the bust statue initially meant for Dhaka, the waist length statue at Raj Bhavan, Shillong and, finally, the waist-length statue at Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre, Indian High Commission, Dhanmundi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Therefore, the earlier depiction by different artists under various circumstances, which was random imagination and does not comply with acceptable norms, is requested for appropriate action by the concerned authorities. It may be noted that since the past few years, Mr F R Kharkongor has spearheaded and communicated with the Indian High Commission for the construction of a comprehensive heritage memorial on Tirot Sing Syiem in Dhaka. The heritage site consists of relief sculpture murals depicting significant historical events of the Freedom movement, a large-format replica of the commemorative stamp of Tirot Sing Syiem, an old British Map of the Khasi States, including Hima Nongkhlaw, a display of pictures on the sequence of historical narratives of the encounter between Tirot Sing Syiem and Dorbar Hima Nongkhlaw with the British colonial regime, which led to the outbreak of the Anglo-Khasi war till the attainment of martyrdom of Tirot Sing Syiem.


Furthermore, Mr Paul Lyngdoh, Minister of Arts and Culture, initiated an official visit to the then Dacca Central Jail, where Tirot Sing Syiem was kept in custody. During an official visit to the old Dhaka Central Jail, there was discussion with the jail authorities about the setting up of another memorial in the name of Tirot Sing Syiem, in the presence of the minister and other cabinet colleagues and other dignitaries. The discussion was accompanied by Mr Sniawbhalang Dhar, Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Ampareen Lyngdoh, Minister of Information and Public Relations, and Paul Lyngdoh, Minister of Arts and Culture, and participated by Dr David R Syiemlieh, Mr F R Kharkongor in the presence of Metbah Lyngdoh, Titos Starwell Chyne, Hamlet Dohling and Teibor Pathaw. The proposal is being prepared by the state government to expedite the matter.

Ka Durkhmat U Tirot Sing Syiem


Shillong, Feb. 23. 2024:  Ha ka por ba ka sorkar jylla ka la maitphang ban pynmih ka Stamp ha ka nam jong u Tirot Sing Syiem lyngba ka shnat sorkarkmie ba korbar ia ka phah kyrwoh (Postal Department) la sngew donkam ban ioh ia ka durkhmat ba shisha jong u Tirot Sing Syiem, wat lada khlem lap ksai ia kano kano ka tyllong. Kumta la pyrshang ban aiti ha ki barikor jong ka jylla bad na baroh ki ba la pyrshang la jied ia I Bah Bashai Rai Dohling bad Bah Marius Main Sing Shanpru. Baroh arngut ki dei ki ba trei ia ka kam thohdur ha ki tnat sorkar, I Bah Bashai Rai Dohling I dei u barikor (animation artist) jong ka Directorate of Film Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India ha Bombay, katba I Bah Mainsing Shanspru I dei u barikor ha Directorate of Information & Public Relations, Government of Meghalaya. Baroh arngut ki la pynkhreh la ka rukom mutdur ia kata ka dur jong u Tirot Sing Syiem, khlem da iit bniah na ki tyllong jingtip ba dei ban wad. Na ka daw ba la kyrkieh ka kam, u Bah Bashai Rai Dohling u la tehkam ha la ka shlem treikam bad u la aiti noh ha u barikor khynnah u ba dei u dkhar na dewbah India. Kumta ka dur ym da iahap than bad la kyntait noh bad la jied da ka durthoh ba la pynkhreh u Bah Main Sing Shanpru.


Ka la jia ryngkhat ba u Bah Raphael Warjri, u dei u synran hikai thohdur jong u Bah Main Sing Shanpru bad la ioh lad ban sakhi ia kata ka dur jong u Tirot Sing Syiem ka ba paw kum u tymmen rangbah, katba ha ki khanamynnor la tip ba u la iap ha ka ryta ba dang kumba laiphew snem tam. Kumta la kynthoh mardor ban pynbeit ia kata ka dur, hynrei na ka daw ba la kyrkieh than ka sorkar, ym banse ban aiti noh kumba ka long haduh ba la shon shab na ka bynta kata ka Stamp ha Ri India lyngba ka Postal Department. Wat lada u Bah Raphael Warjri u dang khynnah samla, kane ka jingjia ka ba long thurmur ka la ktik ia u ban thwet thikna shaphang ka dur ba biang jong u Tirot Sing Syiem. La jia ryngkhat ba u la marmlien ruh ha ka kam shondur bad u ioh jingtip ba thikna ba la shem ia ka kor shondur dang tang ha u snem 1839, kata ka mut hadien ba la iap u Tirot Sing Syiem. Ym tang katta ka kor shondur ka dang poi sha Ri India ha u snem 1855 bad ym pat don lynti ban ioh ka dur shon jong u Tirot Sing Syiem. Wat lada ha kata ka juk la ju don ki barikor ki ba ruiddur ia ki kynja kynrem lyndan phareng, hynrei ym lah ban khmih lynti ba yn don ba ruiddur ia u Tirot Sing Syiem, khamtam ba u dei u koidi sorkar ba la shah set byndi na ka daw ba ialeh thma pyrshah ia ka sorkar Bilat.


Kumta ha ka jingpyrshang ban thwet ia ka durkhmat jong u Tirot Sing Syiem, u Bah Raphael Warjri u la poi ryngkhat sha ka shlem pathai khubor naduh ki snem 1990 ter ter bad la iashem bad u Bah Skendrowell Syiemlieh, u myllung kaitor bakhraw bad kumjuh ruh ia u Bah Kitdor Syiem, u myntri sorkar u ba dei na ka jait syiem na Mairang. Ha ka ba ia pur khana bad u Bah Skendrowell la ia kynduh ia u Syiem Hima Nongklhlaw, Bah Phrestar Syiemlieh u ba dang long syiem haduh mynta mynne. Ha kata ka khep la pynkhreh da ka durim dulir halor ka jingiakhun ki Khasi pyrshah ia ka sorkar Bilat, ha kaba u Tirot Sing Syiem u dei u khlawait ba ialam ha phrang. Phewse kata ka khlem la urlong, wat lada ka Dorbar Hima Nongkhlaw bad u Bah Kitdor ki la aiktien ban kyrshan ia kata ka kam. Kham hadien kata u Dr David R Syiemlieh u la lap ia ka sngi iap ba shisha jong u Tirot Sing Syiem ha u snem 1988, bad mar mar la pyrshang ban tohkit na u Dr David R Syiemlieh shaphang ka dur jong u Tirot Sing Syiem. Ka ba sngew bynñiaw ka long ba ym shem kaiphot ne nathi wat ia ka met jong u Tirot Sing Syiem ba la pynkhuid da ka ba tep ne ka ba thang ruh, sa ia ka durkhmat te ym lah ban khmih lynti da lei lei.

Hadien kata ka la don ka jingthmu jong ka Dorbar Hima Nongkhlaw ban tei da u durmot jong u Tirot Sing Syiem ha Mairang ha ka jaka ba la don lypa u mot sahnam. Na ka liang jong u Bah Raphael Warjri, la ai jingmut ban tei syndon da ka shlem sahnam rikynti (heritage monument) kat ba shah ka jaka bad la pynkhreh nadong shadong ki jingdonkam ryngkat ki dur ki dar ba kynsai halor ka thma ba la khie ha ka 4tarik Iaiong 1829 haduh u Risaw 1833 ba la shah set byndi u Tirot Sing Syiem. Kata ruh ka khlem la urlong namar ka don ka jingkylla hadien ba la la tuklar da kiwei pat bad khatduh la aiti ha u nongkhaii ban tei ia uta u durmot u ba khlem iahap bad ka kyrdan longsyiem jong u Tirot Sing Syiem bad ka ba la pynhiar dor ym tang ia ka rngiew u Tirot Sing Syiem, hynrei la pynjem rngiew ia ka jaitbynriew Khasi baroh kawei. Ha ka jaka jong u Tirot Sing Syiem ba khiathew la shna da u tymmen ba phong ka riam bym iahap, ka boh kum kharmali, u kpieng kuboit barit ria bad ka dur jong ka wait ym dei ka waitlam Khasi.


Hadien ba ka sorkar jylla ka la aiti ha ka synjuk Riti Academy na ka bynta ban tei ia ka khilon bad ka motdur ha khyrdop jong ka State Central Library ki ba phalang ia ka rikynti jong ka jylla, u kher rangbah jong ka tnat Deiriti bad Mattithaw (Arts & Culture Department), u Bah F R Kharkongor u la kynjoh ktien ia u Bah Raphael Warjri na ka bynta ban tei ia ki motdur jong ki khlawait ialeh laitluid ka jylla, kata u Tirot Sing Syiem, u Kiang Nangbah bad u Pa Togan Nengminza Sangma. Katkum ba la kdew lynti bad maitphang da u Bah Sanbor Shullai, Myntri sorkar jylla la aiti ha u Bah Raphael Warjri ban pynkhreh na ka bynta ban tei ia kita ki motdur ba shirynñieng. Mar mar la pynkhreh da ka ba tih sani bad wad bniah ia baroh ki jingdonkam na ka bynta kita ki khlawait, kum shi bynta ban rakhe ia ka lyngkhuh snem ba hynñiewphew san jong ka Ri India ba la jer da ka Azaadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav. La plie paidbah da u Myntri Rangbah Conrad K sangma ia kitei ki durmot jong ki khlawait ka jylla ha u snem 2022 ki ba jrong kumba khatsan pruh eiei.


Ka long ka ba donkam ban batai sani ia ka rukom pynkhreh jong ki barikor ka Riti Academy na ka bynta ban tei ia kita ki durmot jong ki khlawait ka jylla. Ha ka ba iadei bad u Tirot Sing Syiem, nalor ki jingtip ba la lum naduh ki snem ba la leit, la nang thwet shuh shuh ki jingtip kum ha ka ba iashem bad ka longiing longsem jait syiem Hima Nongkhlaw na ka kpoh ba hiar pateng u Raja Kine Sing bad u Kedro Manik syiem bad na kiwei kiwei ki tyllong. Kumta la ringdur na ka rengmat jong ki pateng longsyiem kumba la jer bad la thaw ka dur ka ba syriem tam katkum ka pateng jong ka kpoh long syiem bad kumjuh ruh ban iahap bad ka ryta ba shisha shwa ban khlaw u Tirot Sing Syiem ka ba long kumba laiphew snem tam ka ryta. Nalor kata la jurip sani halor ka spong khor bad ka boh khaila kum u syiem, u paila ksiar ba kieng na tyrpeng sha synmgkai, ka jymphong syiem, ka waitlam ka stieh, ka ryntieh ki khnam ha ryngkap bad kiwei kiwei ki jnit ki jnat kat ka maiñ long syiem jong u Tirot Sing Syiem.


Nalor ka dur ka dar bad ka raim ka beit jong u syiem long syiem la wanlam ruh ia ka pyrkhat Khasi katkum ka jingshisha ha kata ka juk. La shna da u syiem u ba iakhun ban iada ia la ki khun ki hajar bad ia la ka hima sima, ym dei u ba shla pyrshah ban kput da ka ba bitar. La shna da ka dur u syiem u ba peit jylliew ha ka thong ban iakhun kheiñduh, ba bat skhem triang ia ka waitlam bad ka stieh bad u ba la pynkhreh ban len lade na ka bynta ka Ri bad ka jaitbynriew. Kumta khlem pyrthuh bud ban shna da u durmot u ba ieng kynthuit ban pyneh shadem lane kum u kaikhlaw ba tur ruma da jingbitar ia u nongshun, bad ka ba isaitmet tam ka long ba ym dei da ki dohksah ba phyllung kum ki ba kilan met ha ka juk mynta, hynrei kum ki khlawait jong kata ka juk ki ba ia kynduh bad ka mariang, la ha ka ryngkang rynsied ne ka trei ka beng ha shnong ha thaw, ha lyngkha risai ne ha khlaw ha btap. Kine kiei kiei baroh ki mir katkum ka saiñpyrkhat tynrai ki Khasi.


Ha kane kajuh ka rukom la pynkheh ka thwet ka tih sani shaphang u Kiang Nagbah ruh kumjuh. Katkum ka khanamynnor la shem ba ki phareng ki la sni ia u Kiang Nangbah bad ia ka kur Nangbah haduh ba ki la kthong ia ki samla bad rangbah na ka kur haduh ba ki la iehnoh ia ka nongrim iing ha Wah Nangbah ha dong Tpeppale bad phet sakma sha kylleng ka Ri Khasi. Ym shym lap ksai shuh ia ki kur Nangbah ha kata ka por bad hadien la tip ba ki don ki ba na shnong Jaraiñ bad Lamin ki ba dei na ka pateng jong u Kiang Nangbah. Kumta ha ba la wad bniah la shem ba ka longiing jong u Bah Barnabas Nangbah ha Shillong ki ba dei trai shnong na Lamin ki dei ki ba hiar pateng na kpoh ka kmie u Kiang Nangbah. Kumta katkum ba la shim nongmuna ia u Tirot Sing Syiem, kumjuh ruh la shim ksai na ka rengmat ka longiing u Bah Barnabas Nangbah ban shna thymmai ia ka durkhmat jong u Kiang Nangbah. ha kiwei kiwei ki bynta jong u Kiang Nangbah la ioh jingtip ruh kum na u Ma R Tokin Rymbai, Ma S Quotient Sumer, Ma Lakhon Shullai, Bah H H Mohrmen bad kiwei kiwei. Ha kajuh ka rukom la buddien na ka bynta ka pateng bynriew jong u Pa Togan Nengminza Sangma, hynrei ym shym la lap ksai than lait tang katto katne ki bynta jong ka riam ka beit ki jynkieng jyndeng jong ki khlawait Garo ba la ai jingtip da u barikor Arak Sangma bad ka Sahana P Marak, ka ba dei teng ka kher rangbah jong ka sorkar jylla bad ki ba tip thikna shaphang ka riti dustur Garo.


Halor ki kynrum kynram hamsaia ki ba la pynkulmar jingmut ia ki paidbah ha ka ba iadei bad u durmot Tirot Sing Syiem ha Dhaka, la pynshai ba ka sorkar jylla ha ka ba sdang la phah shna da u durmot shiteng ba na shadem shaneng. Hynrei ynda la leit khmih sha Dhaka ha u bnai Risaw 2023, la shem ba ym iahap namar ba u durmot u rit than. Kumta katkum ba la tuklar da ki kher ki mer jong ka sorkar khamtam u Bah F R Kharkongor ha ryngkat ka ba ia syllok bad ka synjuk Riti Academy, kumta la pyrkhat thymmai bad rai ban shna da u durmot ba haduh syngkai namar ba ka jaka ha Dhaka, hadien ba la khmih ka khim bad ym shah jaka ban shna da u ba shirynñieng. Khatduh iawai la shna kat ban biang ha ka jaka jong ka Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre, Indian High Commission, Dhanmundi, Dhaka, Bangladesh ba la buhti da u ba kot tang ha syngkai shaneng. Ha ka ba iadei bad ka durkhmat, kumba la kdew ha shwa ka dei ka ba la jurip thikna lyngba ki tyllong ki ba biang bad la bishar katkum ka pateng bynriew na ka kpoh long syiem ba hiar pateng u Tirot Sing Syiem. Ha ba la bishar sani lah ban pdiang ba ki khun ba mih pateng na ka kpoh longsyiem kin ia syriem katkum ka dur ka dar jong ki pateng ba mynta kum ba long lem ka pyrthei salonsar. Ha kane ka rukom la pynbiang ha kiwei kiwei ki jingteinam kum ha iing u Lat ha Raj Bhavan bad kiwei kiwei ki shlem pyninam.


Na kata ka daw kam long ka ba shongnia ban nujor bad kiwei pat ki jingpyrsjhang ba thurmur ha ki snem ba la leit, namar ba ka Riti Academy ha ryngkat ka Sorkar jylla ka la don ka rukom pynkhreh ka ba sani bha ka ba lah da ki katto katne snem ban ia syllok bad ka Indian High Commission ha Dhaka. La prat lynti ha kane ka bynta da u kher rangbah ka sorkar jylla, u Bah F R Kharkongor haduh ba ym dei tang u durmot ba la buhnam, hynrei la buhnam ruh ka nongmuna jong ka Stamp, nangta ka Map Hima Nongkhlaw ka ba rim ba la pynkhreh ka sorkar Bilat ba la ai da u bah David R Syiemlieh, nangta ki dur ki dar ba kdew ia ka khana jong ka ba ialeh laitluid ba la thohdur da u Bah Raphael Warjri bad kiwei kiwei ki atiar kordor jong ka jaitbynriew Khasi ban pyninam ha ka Ri Bangladesh. Ka long kaei kaei ka ba donkam ba ka iktiar sorkar kan shimkhia ia kane ka bynta ban pynthikna ia ka dur ba janai jong u Tirot Sing Syiem, lada dei ban pynneh da ka ba rim ba la don lypa da ki phew snem lane ban pdiang da ka ba thymmai ka ba la tih sani bad wad bniah katkum ka jingtbit ba paka bad pura.


Shuh shuh, u Bah Paul Lyngdoh, Myntri Mattithaw bad Deiriti u la lam khmat na ka bynta ban leit khmih ia ka phatok Dacca Central Jail ha ka ba u Tirot Sing Syiem u la shah set byndi. Ha ka por ba dang ia khmih bad ki heh ka phatok, la don ka jingiakren na ka bynta ban buhti ia ka shlem pyninam ha ka nam u Tirot Sing Syiem ha Dhaka Cental Jail ha ryngkat ki myntri bad ki kynrem lyndan. Ha ka jingiatai la don lang u Bah Sniawbhalang Dhar, Symbud Myntri Rangbah, Dr Ampareen Lyngdoh, Myntri Pathai Khubor, bad u Bah Paul Lyngdoh, Myntri Mattithaw bad Deiriti, ba la ia shim bynta ruh da u Dr David R Syiemlieh, Bah F R Kharkongor ha ka ba ia don ryngkat u Bah Metbah Lyngdoh, Titos Starwell Chyne, Hamlet Dohling bad Teibor Pathaw. Ka Sorkar jylla ka la pynkhreh na ka bynta kata khnang ban lah ban pynurlong ia ka jingthmu.

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