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JSU- WJC volunteered to disinfect the hospital Nongtalang CHC at Amlarem subdivision

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Shillong, April 28:  Amidst   the fear of COViD-19 in the state too disinfecting of public places as well as private properties  were in full swing  on Tuesday  the JSU War Jaintia Circle taking an initiative  to fight and prevent COVID-19 volunteered to disinfect the hospital Nongtalang CHC at Amlarem subdivision.

Meanwhile,  JSU-WJC also looking into the present high-pricing of essential commodities in the market due to lock down took  an initiative to paste the price list of essential commodities on the front store in the market area of Amlarem as per the rates fixed by the Office of the SDO, Amlarem Sub Division so as to help contain the price rise during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Among the members participated are Mr. Eddy Kery Pohtam, President of JSU- WJC, Mr. Kerrydiam Lamin, General Secretary of JSU- WJC, Mr. Jai Pohsna, Vice President of JSU- WJC, Mr. Erickson Khonglah, Sports Secretary of JSU- WJC and other members.

“The members of the union will continue to volunteer in disinfecting the health centres such as the PHCs, sub centres and also the market places.” said JSU-WJC

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