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Mystifying The Teachers’ Undergoing D.EL.ED in Meghalaya

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Shillong,Jul 10: After created again several errors in the result of D.El.Ed Exams 2015 of 1st batch 2013 after 3 times declaration the result of the same exams declared on June 22, problems are still created by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) which is an Autonomous Institution under Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt of India, which mystifying  the trainees (teachers) of Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) training programme both 1st and 2nd batch , those who are going to prepared their exam for the subject which they are yet to clear.

Meghalaya SSA Schools Association (MSSASA) Central Body President Aristotle C. Rymbai said, this problem is about the exam fees to be held on October – November, 2017 which the trainees  have to pay through Demand Draft from 1st to 31st July, 2017. As per the notice board published by the NIOS Centre, at  Directorate of Educational Research and Training, Shillong, first the exam fee will be Rs 300 per subject but with no reasons all of a sudden in the next day, the fees changed from Rs 300 to Rs 370 which shows that there is no proper arrangment from the Higher Authority of NIOS and through this, we came to know that the employees of NIOS are very laid back and careless attitude and knows only how to cheat the teachers’ of Meghalaya.

Of whatever have done by the NIOS will totally creates lots of difficulty to the teachers especially to those who had already applied with the Demand Draft of Rs 300 in favour of Secretary NIOS Guwahati and submitted along with the exam form to the concern Study Centre as it will cost them double because they have to apply again the Demand Draft of Rs 370 per subject being the exams fees and if all these went wrong, then who will take responsibility to the teachers’ is it NIOS? or is this NIOS failed?. We are all very shamefully if such a things happened to be in an institution like NIOS, Rymbai added.

Further, the act and attitude shows by the Authority concerned of NIOS reflected that this Institution had failed in providing D.El.Ed training to the teachers in the State and target only to earn money from the aggrieved teachers undergoing the D.El.Ed course comprising teachers from different category SSA, Ad hoc, Deficit and Govt.

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