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One Day Legal Awareness Programme on the Rights and Benefits of Workers in the Unorganized Sector

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Shillong, June 29: The Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority (MSLSA) in collaboration with the Labour Department, Government of Meghalaya organized a “One Day Legal Awareness Programme on the Rights and Benefits of Workers in the Unorganized Sector” on Saturday at Yojana Bhavan Auditorium, Main Secretariat Building, Shillong.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. K. Mittal, Chief Justice of the High Court of Meghalaya and Patron-in-Chief, Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority graced the inaugural programme as Chief Guest.

It may be mentioned here that the purpose of the programme is to make the workers in the Unorganised Sectors aware of their rights and benefits.

Addressing the inaugural programme, the Chief Justice informed that the term ‘unorganized worker’ is defined in Section 2 (m) of The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008 which is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to in order to provide social security and welfare for the unorganised workers. Stating that education plays a vital role in developing the economy of the country, the Chief Justice said that it is an important element in converting the population into national asset. The Chief Justice further added that if the workers in the unorganised sector are educated and trained they can take advantage of all the benefits available to them.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice H. S. Thangkhiew, Judge of the High Court of Meghalaya and Executive Chairman, MSLSA, Shri W. Diengdoh, Member Secretary, MSLSA, State Government officials was also present during the inaugural programme.

The inaugural programme was followed by series of sessions wherein resource persons  Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, D. P. Wahlang, Labour Department/B. Mawlong, Labour Commissioner; K. K. Srivastava, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner; D. Benjamin, Branch Manager, ESI, Shillong;  Hamza Chaudhury, Administrative Officer, Life Insurance Corporation P&GS, Guwahati and Shri N. A. Khan (MHJS) District & Sessions Judge, Shillong & Chairman, DLSA enlightened the participants on the topics: ‘Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996’, ‘Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008’, ‘Megha Health Insurance Scheme’; ‘Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952’, ‘Employees Provident Fund Scheme, ‘Insurance Scheme’, ‘Pension Scheme’; ‘Employees State Insurance Act, 1948’, ‘Rights and beneficiaries and other Welfare Schemes’; ‘Pension Scheme’, ‘Insurance Welfare Scheme for workers in the Unorganised Sector’ and ‘Labour Laws’ respectively.

The other highlights of the day’s programme include distribution of scholarships to the children of workers in the unorganized sectors who had registered themselves in The Meghalaya Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board.

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