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Call for a “Special Session” touching the insult of headman

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Shillong,Feb 07: The Grand Council of Chiefs of Meghalaya has demanded an urgent “special session” of the District Council to discuss issues concerning the insult against the headman of Mawmuthoh Village under, raid Nongkrem Hima Khyrim.

Addressing the media person here on Wednesday, Chairman of the Grand Council of Chiefs of Meghalaya and Spokesperson, Federation of Khasi State John.F.Kharshiing said that we strongly condemned the ill-speaking and tarnished of image against the headman of Mawmuthoh Village by the Nongkrem MLA, Ardent .M. Basaiawmoit in one of the local newspaper terming him a “street boy”.

Under the UKHAD Appointment and Succession of Chief and Headman Act 1959 and as per the rule of the Supreme Court through the order CA 394 of 1960 it has explain that the headman has taken SANAD which have been empowered by the Khasi Autonomous District Council to make laws and rules as far as governance in villages and traditional institutions are concerned and are the officer of the District Council, Kharshiing said.

Kharshiing said that he has sent a letter to the Chief of Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council P.N Syiem, at the same time urged the district councils to take up the matter and discuss.

However, the Member of the Legislative Assembly summon and reprimand the Chief Executive Officer of the Tura Municipal Board to tender apology in the House after he was found guilty of breaching against an assembly member.

The Grand Council of Chiefs calls on all the heads of clans (KUR), Headman of the villages (SHNONG) and People’s Parliament come forward and safeguard themselves from any kind of insult.

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