Congress elects new office bearers in Pynthorumkhrah after Hek joins BJP

Shillong, Jan 3: The Congress has elected new office bearers of the Pynthorumkhrah Block Congress Committee (PBCC) after its MLA, A.L. Hek resigned as member of the State Assembly and joined the BJP.

An emergent meeting of the party held in the city on Wednesday to elect the new office bearers, was attended by more than 100 members in the presence of Shillong City Congress Committee general secretary, with Komal Marbaniang, as an observer.

The meeting elected Wansalan Lyngwa as the new president of PBCC, B Roy and M Marbaniang as vice presidents, T Lyngkhoi as general secretary, B Tati and L Rumnong as assistant general secretaries, S Nag as treasurer, besides 30 executive members.

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